Magician (c)

Tips & Tricks



Pages NOT to delete or change:

These pages are reserved - and are not meant to be deleted or changed in any way.  If they are, then they can break links and pages.

Do not delete or change:   

403 - Permission Denied | Path: /403

404 - Content Not Found  | Path: /404

Search Results | Path: /results



Reserved page names:

These names are reserved for auto-generated pages.  If you create a page and give it one of these names, your page will overwrite the automatic archiving process.  Simply change the name to something like /cnas-events, or /our-blog, or /department-news.

Do not use:





Go to the segment discussing "Article Listing Pages" on to learn more about the Article Content Type:

Go to



Add your events to the UCR Events Calendar

The UCR Events Calendar (also known as "Localist") is easy to use and it's optimized for sharing your events across campus and to social media channels.

You can also create a Localist Events Widget to embed on your website. Your events will automatically show up in the feed!

Learn More About Localist Events



Tip for image optimization efficiency: crop most of your images 1920 x 1280 px and then adjust the image with the focal point. Doing this ensures the image can be used as a Header Image (Drupal will automatically crop it to 1920 x 455 px), and an Article banner image, or an image in a paragraph of text, anywhere, but you only have to upload it ONCE.   Small images pixelate when you try to use them as Headers. 

Carousel slider images need to be exact size, and all sliders in the block need to be the same dimension.  Ideally carousel sliders should be 1920 x 624 px.

 You can easily create 2 versions, one 1920 x 1280, another 1920 x 624, and use the appropriate one for the need at hand.

Video Tutorial on preparing your images for your website



> Make sure you know about Show as Expanded when working with the Main Menu. Video tutorial


> Never never never include the site root in a link. Video tutorial


> Do not "Delete" when you click the pencil icon, only click "Remove block"


> Do not "Delete" blocks in "Block Layout", only "Disable" blocks


> Redirect your pages from the old site to the new BEFORE the new site launches.  Video tutorial




If you place your Social Media feeds in Info Cards, they will be scrollable (you can also adjust height and width):

CNAS Twitter Feed 


CNAS Facebook Feed


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